Lip shortening, or more commonly known as an upper lip lift, is primarily sought out by patients who are unhappy...
Body Contouring
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Body Contouring News
Plastic Surgery and Teen Bullying
Plastic surgery for younger children and teenagers is not typically about correcting wrinkles, sagging skin, or anything else caused by...
Hand Rejuvenation: Photo Rejuvenation, Fillers, and More
The hands, unfortunately, are one of the first places that show the most drastic signs of aging. Also, unfortunately, the...
Getting Ready for the Holidays: Plastic Surgery on a Budget
The holidays can be a stressful time for most. Getting ready for the holidays can sometimes be a chore. Between...
Growing Trends in Plastic Surgery in 2018
Plastic surgery is in demand, and it is not surprising that the number of plastic surgery procedures has grown over...
Facial Rejuvenation Treatments That are Right for You
How do you know whether facial rejuvenation is right for you, what is the proper procedure, and what’s the right...
Types of Soft Tissue Fillers and What You Need To Know
Do you know the differences between fillers, Botox, and fat transfer? Most people do not. More importantly, when misused the...
Gradual Skin Care Treatments for Flawless Skin
Who doesn’t want beautiful skin? There are a few skin treatments for flawless skin that can you can do at...
Rapid Skin Care: What Is It And Is It For You?
As the name entails, rapid skin care aims to give you rapid results using medical grade skin care. Given the...
Five Key Products to Have for Life Long Great Skin Care
Beauty may only be skin deep, as the saying goes, but maximizing the natural beauty of your skin requires digging...