Do you know the difference between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery? One common myth in medicine may be that cosmetic surgeons and plastic surgeons are the same thing. In reality, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are done for two different reasons.
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10 Warning Signs Your Plastic Surgery May Be Botched
Bad plastic surgery will often require a revision surgery to repair the damage and restore good looks. Here are 10 warning signs that you should look for to avoid a botched plastic surgery.
When and Why to have a Mommy Makeover
Mommy makeovers can also be done for women who have lost a significant amount of weight and have similar body issues. Let’s look at the options that are safe for you.
Good Plastic Surgery Shouldn’t Be Obvious
Just because you "can" do something, doesn't mean you "should". When it comes to modern plastic surgery, less is more.
Teens and Plastic Surgery
In the past, except for some rare cases, plastic surgery was limited to adults, usually older adults. A recent trend shows that not only are plastic surgery patients getting younger, the number of teens seeking plastic surgery is increasing.
7 Questions to Ask Before Having Plastic Surgery
Whether you’ve considered having plastic surgery for some time or the thought just popped into your mind, it isn’t a decision to be made lightly. If you’re considering plastic surgery, here are 7 questions you should ask beforehand.
4 Nonsurgical Ways to Look Amazing This Holiday Season
What’s worse than going to a New Year’s Eve party feeling like you look less than your best? It’s a quick way to turn what should be a festive time into a drag! Fortunately, there are a few nonsurgical ways you can look amazing this holiday season!
Plastic Surgery and Body Image
When done right, plastic surgery respects your individual body while restoring your youthful appearance or augmenting aspects of your body in a way that’s natural. When done wrong; however, plastic surgery attempts to create an artificial look that may, in fact, decrease your body image.
When Should You Try Botox and Fillers?
As we age, we start to lose fat in our face. This leads to wrinkles, sagging jowls, dark circles beneath...
Restoring Natural Beauty through Facial Rejuvenation
To lessen the signs of aging, then, a plastic surgeon must restore the fat in the fat compartments that have been lost, as well as refresh the eyes and brow, and lift the deep layers along the cheek, neck, and jowls.
Facelift or Injectables: Which Is Right for You?
There are many different kinds of plastic surgery, however, and the right approach for you depends on the way aging appears on your face. Two of the more popular kinds of facial rejuvenation? Facelifts and injectables.
Plastic Surgery Procedures — 5 Lesser Known to Consider
There are a number of lesser known, plastic surgery procedures that can help you look naturally beautiful when blended with the more popular forms of plastic surgery.