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Plastic Surgery News

Safe Plastic Surgery

Not all physicians are created equally: this is an essential consideration when looking for a plastic surgeon. Ensuring safety throughout your plastic surgery journey is just as important as the procedure you want and the desired result. How do you choose a plastic surgeon?

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Keeping Up With the Ever-Changing Shape of the Buttocks

The ever-changing ideal buttocks shape tends to change from decade to decade. Pick up a magazine from the 1960’s and compare it to a magazine today and you will notice that the ideal shape of the buttocks has drastically changed over the past 50 years. What is the ideal shape now?

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Is Cellulite Curable?

Lumpy, dimpled flesh on thighs, buttocks, hips, and belly: the unfortunate fact is that 90% of women will suffer from cellulite at some point in their lives. The exact cause of cellulite is not well understood, but is it curable?

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Is There a New Model of Beauty?

The ever-changing ideal body shape tends to evolve from decade to decade. The past forty years has seen ups, downs, bigger, smaller, wider, and fuller trends. What is the new model of beauty? This era is all about bigger is better: think big lips, big breasts, and big butts coupled with a slim and toned midsection.

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The Kardashian’s Effect

What do the Kardashian’s have that everyone is asking for? Perfect noses, full lips, slim waists, bigger butts, breasts and hips are now the idolized female attributes, thanks to the influence this family has on multiple media platforms.

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Why the Overdone Lips?

You can see it on the red carpet, you can see it in magazines, and you can even see it walking through the mall. What am I talking about? Overdone lips!

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